More than just breeders, we raise confident, happy Lagotto pups ready to be your lifelong companion.

Breeding Philosophy
Lagotto Romagnolo Breeding Information
What we believe when it comes to raising Lagotto puppies
Our goal is not to add dogs to the world but to raise balanced, well adjusted, confident, young dogs that will make a wonderful addition to your family. Our goal and judgements are based on a combination of medical soundness and function, not exclusively beauty. To do this we have worked hard and continue to do so starting from long before the litter is even planned.
Starting with our first lagotto, we knew we loved the breed, but we needed so much more information before we could possibly know what to look for in a specific dog. We read through the Lagotto breed standard and spent two years looking at Lagotto, pedigrees, and blood lines. We watched the show rings to see what was looked for in conformation. We spoke to, wrote and discussed the breed with dozens of established Lagotto breeders from around the world and we eventually settled on a breeder that has won the World Dog Show, has won Crufts, and who has sent dogs around the world who have gone on to perform well in rings on nearly every continent for over a decade. Monica Benelli's dogs have won championship titles in Australia, the United States, Canada, across Europe and of course in Italy, the breeds homeland.
Beyond conformation we looked for dogs who possessed sound temperament. This is every bit as important as having a sound body. Whether you are looking for a family pet, a dog that will win in the ring or a dog who will sniff out truffles in the forest or your own truffiere, a sound balanced temperament is fundamental to your success.
To achieve this we have again looked carefully at our lagotto to understand their strengths and weaknesses and to find studs who possesses complimentary and in some cases offsetting traits that will yield sound, healthy puppies who will closely align with the breed standard. Finally we have researched genetic traits and that of potential studs to ensure that we are breeding to increase genetic diversity and produce strong, healthy dogs who are robust.
Once puppies arrive, our work has only just begun for we believe that through purposeful attention our puppies futures can be significantly altered. We believe in early neurological stimulation and a structured development process like Puppy Culture. Studies have shown that these technique can improve a dogs future adaptability, confidence and temerpament. We expose our puppies to new environments, new sounds, new textures and surfaces, and once safe, to new animals all while spending lots of time giving them love and attention.
lGDM Yelina Salas
Date of Birth Jan 21, 2016
Health Stats:
BFJE and LSD Carrier & Normal
Improper Coat Clear/Normal
OFA Elbow/Hips Normal/Fair
CERF Clear/Normal
Sire: Il Granaia Dei Malatesta Guiliano
Dam: Il Granaio Dei Malatesta Illenia

We breed with the aim of raising healthy, balanced, well adjusted, beautiful working dogs of correct type and excellent temperament.

IGDM Cannella
Date of Birth August 8, 2015
Health Stats:
Improper Coat Clear/Normal
OFA Elbow/Hips Normal/Fair
CERF Clear/Normal
Sire: IGDM Guilano Palma
Dam: IGDM Norina